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Lions’ “Sunrise” Project

Supporting women fleeing Domestic Violence. A huge thank you to White Ribbon and the Lions Club of Charles Sturt, who jointly funded the Project, and generous donations 

  • Terry White, Chemist at Fulham,
  • Claire from Parafield Pharmacist
  • and Puddlejumpers Charity Store Mile End.

Our vision for this Project was to tell the victims of domestic violence that they are not alone, that others hear them, that others care, and that there will be a “Sunrise” again—a small light in a time of darkness.

Thanks to;

  • Charles Sturt Lions members Gay Dawson and Afroz Martino worked putting the bags together for many months. 
  • Tammy Rees, Fundraising Engagement Coordinator for Anglicare,
  • Grant Pearson, General Manager Mission and Business Development at BaptistCare
  • Gillian Lewis, a Committee Member of BaptistCare/White Ribbon, and Mike McCarthy are hard-working founding members of White Ribbon Breakfast.

Special Olympics South Australia

The Special Olympics South Australia provide weekly sports training and regular competitions for people with intellectual disability.  The Adelaide Special Olympics club asked the Charles Sturt Lions to contribute towards their new game uniforms. Our Club provided the Adelaide team with 250 caps emblazoned with the Lions Club of Charles Sturt logo. Proudly worn during their annual Special Olympics competition held in Adelaide in 2021.

Special Olympics crowd
Lions Food Pantry

Food Pantry

The project was a joint initiative with the Lions Club of Charles Sturt and the Rotary Club of Charles Sturt/Grange, where two community food pantries have been installed.  One at St Margaret’s Anglican Church at 791 Port Rd, Woodville, (corner of Port and Woodville Roads) and the other at the Woodville Uniting Church at 44 Woodville Rd, Woodville, (next to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital).

The pantries will have non-perishable items stocked for anyone to take what they need or give what they can.

With so many community members already in financial stress, some sleeping rough, coupled with the resulting economic climate brought about by COVID, the pantries will be a backup, no questions asked service for those who need food for themselves or their families. This free service is available 24 hours per day, and the pantries will be unlocked at all times. Thanks go to both St Margaret’s Anglican Church and the Woodville Uniting Church, who have consented to have the pantries installed on church grounds.

Sponsorship of a Lions Hearing Puppy

The Lions Club of Charles Sturt has become a sponsor of a Lions Hearing Dog. The $3,000 sponsorship provides valuable funds for the essential training of the puppy to become a fully trained working dog. We receive the right to name the puppy and to have regular updates on the dogs progress.
Lions Recycle for Sight Logo

Lions Recycle for Sight Australia

The ongoing support of Specsavers Optometrist, Arndale Shopping Centre, Kilkenny, who facilitate a collection point for donated spectacles. Our Club forwards the donated spectacles to The Recycle 4 Sight Australia program, which then delivers them to people in need at no expense or obligation within Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
Lions Quest Logo

Lions Quest

Sponsorship for teacher training in the Lions Quest, Skills for Adolescence program.

The Club sponsored a teacher at Findon High School to cover the program’s cost on offer from ALDAF. The accredited course comprises a 2-hour interactive Zoom module, an accompanying pre-workshop webinar and a couple of short pre-workshop assignments. It is aimed at children R-12 and with excellent reviews by participants. It offers many resources to assist teachers in delivering lessons to students on many vital topics covering bullying, domestic violence and emotional well-being.